The Prima Elite Package

Well, hey there aspirational singer!

Do you need something a bit different than the occasional drop-in singing lesson?

Tuition lesson packages not quite checking all your boxes?

Well, in addition to our awesome inclusive tuition packages,

JRD Voice Studio also offers customized, a la carte, flexible value-based packages, online.

Curious? Read on, MacDuff!

  • So What IS A Value Based Package?

    Well, it’s the ability to choose how and when your voice training happens, and what level of service and inclusion you desire!

    You are not paying for my time. You are investing in your goals and your progress. These require more than a face-to-face meeting once a week. They require regular time together, as well as apart, with a shared vision of the goals you wish to achieve. Your weekly face-to-face session time is the tool we use to pursue your goals and develop your process.

    You are investing in a level of time and care few other studios can offer.  This customized approach is most assuredly a different way of thinking about online singing lessons!

  • I'm Intrigued...How Do You Charge For This?

    You can think of the Prima Elite Package as being on a retainer system, of sorts. This means you will be charged a monthly retainer for the music education services I provide, which are scheduled, and auto-debited through Acuity.

    Because the package is built specifically to fit YOU, there is no set price - each client has different needs, and requirements to achieve their goals, and therefore the retainer will be different for each client.

    Since this package is comprised of a “meet your goals” mentality rather than a “time for money” mentality, your monthly retainer remains the same whether or not we have our scheduled face-to-face session, since I am working on your behalf even outside our sessions.

Ok, So What Can This Package Include?

The sky is the limit, my friend! You have the capacity to choose whatever tools you wish to help you achieve your singing goals - don’t see something on the list that you want/need? Ask me!

And it doesn’t matter if you are an avocational or a professional singer - these kinds of packages can be highly useful to a wide variety of students.

Here are just a few of the things that I can offer and customize for my online students:

  • A guaranteed lesson time, reserved for you, each week, and priority access to the schedule to pick your time. (I guarantee that I will be there for the duration of that hour, each week, whether you come or not.)

  • The capability to cancel as your schedule changes - either in advance, or last minute, with no penalty fees, and no restrictions. 

  • Want 2 lessons in a week because you’re prepping for a show/audition? Cool. Need to take a break? Fine. The retainer remains the same. (More about this in a bit!)

  • Procurement of sheet music and backing tracks as needed and necessary, purchased, downloaded, and emailed directly to you - all you will need to do is print them before your lesson.

  • Tools and resources to get you ready for RCM exams, college admissions, competitions, auditions, etc.

  • Instruction in how to read music, match pitch, and train your ear.

  • Create, record, and send a custom warm-up so that you have a directed, dedicated warm-up to use in between our sessions.

  • Access to all lesson recordings on our preferred online platform, to keep for personal use.

  • Access to asynchronous learning, both as a replacement for a lesson missed and also as a way of checking in between lessons. This can be utilized through Marco Polo or similar apps

  • Access to masterclasses and other exclusive studio events with world-class professional artists

  • Rapid response (within 24 hours via text/email) to your needs.

Ready to talk about it?

Hit the button below to email us for more info!

Ok, so this sounds great - but is this only for professional-level singers?

This is the beauty of the value-based Prima Elite Package - this package is literally for any level of singer. This kind of package will be of use to anyone who needs the flexibility to work around their schedule or requires a high level of attention to achieve their goals.

Here are a few scenarios where a value-based package might be a great choice:

  • Scenario #1:

    If you yourself are a professional singer who needs ALL the lessons when you are in town to prepare for that audition tour or the gig you just landed in a role you’ve never performed. Now you need to coach this role and put it into your voice, which will require some intensive work. Maybe you’re on the road, and you need some check-in Zoom lessons to keep your voice in tip-top shape. Or you want to check in every night before the show so I can warm you up. Or the conductor just asked to hear you sing an aria you kinda, sorta learned in college but it’s been a few years, and you need an emergency session to double-check a few things so you can nail that audition.

  • Scenario #2

    If you have a very busy or stressful job with a schedule that changes on a dime - think lawyer or doctor - and you need the flexibility to cancel at the last minute, and potentially reschedule multiple lessons at a time. You don’t have time to figure out how to use the studio google drive, but you do extremely well if your music and tracks are emailed directly to you so you can prepare them for your lesson on your own time.

  • Scenario #3

    If your child/teen is very active in the arts (think musicals, Festival, college track, etc.) who needs help with role or audition prep and you need flexibility so they can attend competitions, rehearsals, or last-minute auditions. They need to learn their roles/parts/pieces, and they may need some extra sessions to achieve this. Those sessions might have to be squeezed in the day before/morning of. They might need to miss a week here or there, due to conflicts. Maybe they need help with this sight-reading test that’s required of the prestigious choir they’ve been invited to audition for.

Ok, I’m IN! How does this work?

Because these packages are as unique as you are, there is no set price. If you are interested in learning how this package might serve you or your child, please reach out via EMAIL for next steps.

Since these packages are very intensive, I can only accommodate a few of them into my regular studio schedule at a time - so if you’re interested, don’t delay!


Need more clarification? Have a question? Email or Text me by clicking the appropriate button below!

I can’t wait to help you level up and discover YOUR unique voice!